Justin N. McCarville surrendered himself to authorities last Tuesday after learning a warrant had been issued for is arrest. He is currently in the Cowley County Jail.
His bond is set at $30,000, though previous legal issues are likely to prevent him from being released even if bond were posted.
Court records show that charges against McCarville stem from a series of incidents that are said to have occurred between Sept. 22 and Oct. 3 of this year. McCarville is facing a total of eight charges, four of which are felonies.
The incidents involve a former girlfriend of McCarville's.
The aggravated Panasonic Lumix Dmc-fz20k Battery charge is said to have occurred Sept. 22 when McCarville made physical contact, in a rude, insulting or angry manner, with the alleged victim in the case.
From Sept. 23 to Oct. 3, he is accused of making contact with and instilling fear in the woman, in violation of a protective order issued against him. Those accusations have resulted in the stalking charge.
McCarville also is accused of threatening a second woman with violence on Sept. 29.
He is also charged with felony theft and is said to have kept a number of items – including a laptop, GPS, baby crib and furniture – from his former girlfriend and her family, on Sept. 30.
In addition to the felony counts, McCarville is facing misdemeanor charges for violating a protective order, criminal restraint, harassment using a telecommunications device and intimidation of a witness.
Witnesses listed in the case include investigators with the Winfield Police Dept. and Cowley County Sheriff's Dept. (Panasonic Cga-du14 Battery)
The complaint was filed in Cowley County Dist. Court Oct. 11.
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bonnie · 2 hours ago
ok im just gonna say it..........todd g.................my daughter is a spoiled a-- b----, god help the man who EVER thinks he can put his hands on my kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!! being spoiled is no reason to hit there is NO reason to hit..........if you cant handle it f--- leave!!!!!!!!!!!!! (sony Dcr-sc100 Battery)
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about time · 3 hours ago
I know this piece of garbage, my sister was the 1 that ended up in the hospital with her spleen almost ruptured, and let me tell you he thinks he is slick, but this is all starting to catch up to him. You can only beat so many girls before the right 1 gets you back. It doesn't help who his family is and their connections to the police in this town. Grandpa has had people feeding him info, guess it wasn't enough to get him out of this. Rot in jail jerk! (Canon mv600 Battery)
2 replies · active 3 hours ago
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Jenny · 4 hours ago
THere's 3 sides to every story. His, hers and the truth. And the truth is he's abusive and she eggs it on.
3 replies · active 3 hours ago
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Sandie · 3 hours ago
Does anyone remember Ann Lewis. I do as I babysat her and her sisters. I remember what happened to her and i can see the same thing happening here. Thank God there is not another silent victim in this case. I pray he changes so this will not happen to another girlfriend of his. (Konica Minolta Dimage g400 Battery)
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escaped · 3 hours ago
2 names come to mind, Jodi and Diane. Domestic violence is not a joke, not for anyone. I hope the women get the help they need. A pattern of violence is just that, a pattern. Sadly it is often not stopped until the damage has been done to all involved. Please don't fall for that "you made me do this to you" line. Abuse is never justified. Drive by the chamber building by Nieves and look at the silent witnesses to abuse. (Dell Studio 1555 Adapter)
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el Jefe · 4 hours ago
Is it just me, or is it amusing that there's a domestic violence article directly underneath this one?
1 reply · active 3 hours ago
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Joe Blow · 4 hours ago
I'd like to meet this boy, and see how he looks and talks with a black eye and a few teeth missing!!
2 replies · active 3 hours ago
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NSK · 8 hours ago
excuse me but I think you are the one who needs to grow up. Do you really know the whole situation.
2 replies · active 4 hours ago
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Guest · 4 hours ago
Sounds to me like both parties could use a little help and let's not forget who will suffer the most and that is the kids. Saying a prayer for the kids and the adults that they get the help they need so they can change their lives for the kids, (Canon Np-e3 Battery)
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dudah · 5 hours ago
Trust me NSK, old girl friends still suffer from this dirt bag. He still haunts them, and as long as he is out, he will haunt them . He still sees them on the streets, he knows where they work and where they live. As long as he is out, this will continue.
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